Author: James Ko
The 2 Sweetest Words You Can Say
We all want a better performing staff. We all want higher quality care and that can only come with great staff. I mean we are in the “service” based industry. We require people to run our business and provide services. There are no robots, no products to be manufactured or distributed, only services–care–that’s what we…
Do You Want Good Staff or GREAT Staff?
There’s a big difference between “Fair” and “Good” staff. And there’s even a bigger difference from “Good” and “GREAT” staff. Which do you prefer for your business? What sort of consequences can staff have on your clinic? There are 1 of 4 things that will happen and it’s based on the impression your staff makes…
Top Reason You’re NOT Getting More Patients off the INTERNET
The top practices are getting over 50% of their new patients off the internet. What are they doing that you’re not? NUMBER 1: First of all, their website loads very quickly on phone, ipad and tablets. Why is this important? Studies show that if you’re site doesn’t load in less than 4-5 seconds, MOST will…
Top 3 Reasons Physicians Stop Referring
Many physical therapy private practices are seeing a decline in physician referrals today. Even though a variety of reasons can explain the cause, our survey of over 100 physicians taught us something VERY important. Here they are: (1) PATIENT GOES BACK AND COMPLAINS It doesn’t matter what the complaint is. “They don’t take my insurance!”; “They…
Maybe You Are Looking In the Wrong Places
“Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.” What are you looking for? Are you getting it? Success won’t come from the next latest or greatest thing, a better this, or a better that, a more this, or a more that. Sure you might see a temporary change for a short time…