Physical Therapy Marketing Plan Secrets to Consumers Directly
A physical therapy marketing plan that doesn’t target consumers directly isn’t a plan at all. One cannot sit around waiting for physicians to refer any longer. You must get up and take action!
Physicians are referring less due to the increased patient co-pays and deductibles (and lack of understanding on the benefits of therapy). And since patients are paying more out of pocket they are weighing their options more and more. Patients are looking online and researching their best options and not merely doing what physicians tell them to do. Research studies are proving this more today.
So how do you get consumers to call or come in?
1) Don’t advertise ‘physical therapy’
Most consumers do not know what physical therapy is, or have the wrong impression of it. If you try and advertise physical therapy, you won’t attract much. Instead advertise “Pain Relief”, “Arthritis Pain Solutions” or “Stop Headaches for Good” etc. People are looking to solve their problems and are willing to pay for it, NOT pay for physical therapy. Make sure to mention that your solutions involve “no side effects, no drugs, no surgery” and it will be even more attractive to consumers today!
2) Free channels
There are a lot of free channels that connect you to consumers directly. Such as Google Local/Maps, Angies list, Craigslist, newspaper, news stations, etc. Each of these channels are heavily trafficked by consumers. For example Craigslist has special sections for you to announce grand openings, classes and promotions to your local community for free. All you have to do is register at these channels and you will have instant exposure. The newspaper and tv news stations are looking for news just like you are looking for patients. If you have good information and solutions to share they will feature you for free. Don’t just limit your physical therapy marketing to just physicians or paid ads. These can lead to more patients quickly!

3) Paid channels
You should spend at least 8% of your total revenue toward your physical therapy marketing via paid ads. Not just any paid ad. Many can be a waste of money. Depending on the state of the economy, some channels are better than others. For example, if the economy is down (like it is now), coupon mailers work great. Everyone is clipping coupons. Even the high income brackets are looking for deals and discounts. If you don’t have presence in coupon mailers right now, you are losing money. A local paper ad right now is good too. So is Google Adwords/Pay-per-click. Remember, don’t advertise ‘physical therapy’ but rather pain relief or solutions. If you design the wrong ad, you won’t get a return on your investment.
4) Employers
If you want a volume of prospective patients instead of one consumer here and there, the best strategy is to target companies. You can get access to their entire employee population if you do it right. Offering mobile wellness clinics, injury prevention workshops, and ergonomic evaluations can help you build a relationship with employers and companies. Getting their employees to come to your practice can lead to high volume business quickly. It takes time to put together a strategy but we can help. Contact me for more information.
More on how to develop your physical therapy marketing plan>>
5) Wellness Services
Billions of dollars are spent on complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) each year. This means consumers are looking for and wanting wellness services today. They are sick and tired of drugs and surgeries. What are ‘wellness services’? Things such as massage, fitness, stress relief, yoga, acupuncture, weight-loss, nutrition, etc. Check with your state board to make sure you are allowed to offer such services as a licensed therapist. If you are, promoting these services are likely to bring you in more prospects than advertising physical therapy. Converting them to your therapy services is always the goal but getting them in the door for these highly popular services first makes it easy to funnel them into your therapy. Learn more on how to do this at an IndeFree course near you.
A physical therapy marketing plan that targets consumers directly is easier than you think.
IMPORTANT: Choose one of the channels mentioned above and you’ll see results. Choose only one and get it thoroughly accomplished within 30 days. Don’t try and do several simultaneously. You won’t get any of them completed. Physical therapy marketing isn’t ‘busy’ work, it’s thoughtful plans put into action thoroughly.
To learn more go to the Private Practice Secrets course by IndeFree.
4 responses to “A Physical Therapy Marketing Plan to Consumers Directly”
This is very valuable information. This is constant reminder to continue to grow my small PT business.
Thank you
I am getting ready to open my first outpatient clinic and in these uncertain times in healthcare I have found your ideas to be refreshing.
Thank you
This is awesome info. Can I as a PT advertise in the Cinema Theaters
Hi Vanita, you are allowed to advertise in theaters…I wonder if it’s the best use of your advertising dollars though. Who is your highest target market? Parents, seniors, adolescents, athletes, etc. If you let me know, I can give you best potential channels to reach them most affordably and effectively.