Tag: provider
Increase My Physical Therapy Prices, Really??
Don’t be negative. Should you decrease your physical therapy prices? Accept lower reimbursement? Spend more time and energy on sessions even when not/hardly getting paid? A lot of negative news is ringing throughout the physical therapy private practice world, but I want you to know…these are the best of times. There’s so much to be thankful for and so…
You Should Be Scared About This…
The government is coming after you…even if you did nothing wrong. You never think about physical therapists as being a danger to society, or the country, but that’s the new campaign spearheaded by Medicare and the government. Physical therapists are the “flavor of the month” in the government’s pursuit for more monies in this never ending…
(LISTEN): Cash Programs, New Year Strategies, and More…
Do you want to know?… How to generate more cash and profitability and get paid higher than your insurance reimbursements? Create a plan to have your best year ever?! Make sense of the whole Healthcare Reform (Obamacare) and know how it effects PT and OT private practice? Here are some recordings (of past teleconference coachings)…
Why are reimbursements declining and patient premiums increasing?
United Healthcare CEO made the Forbes Highest Paid CEO’s list in 2012. Making over $48,000,000 in just one single year. Go to Forbes list. I’m not against people making money in this country. Many make millions every year and it’s ok with me. It’s HOW insurance company CEO’s make their money that is appalling. The…